A millennium ago, Draco roamed the night sky in search of his prey – dragons.

But centuries later, humans have replaced these mythical creatures as Draco’s primary source of sustenance and he has built an empire where vampires can live without fear of being hunted by haters of the living dead. Suddenly, his reign is threatened and his home is crumbling around him. He needs to act quickly or else lose those most dear to him. In a bid for survival, he transports himself to a safe star world where he questions the very existence of his species and searches for help from those who had once been considered a lost cause. As the first vampire, Draco embarks on a journey of discovery, hoping to reinvent an old-world creation while bringing some much-needed change to the future of his covens.

This novel is sexy, spicy and gritty, a fast-paced thrill ride filled with fun, beautiful people and their dangerous passion for each other.

We are all terrified of vampires and yet somehow along the journey you will want to be one of the living dead; become a vampire yourself. Or maybe not! Read it and let me know!